Dandridge Youth Detention Facility April 2013

44 pairs of eyes watched as he swaggered onto the stage. They were riveted. You see, they know this man. He’s the man who “befriends them,” who promises the world! the man who is still out on the streets while they are locked in a facility. They watch him swagger, entice, try to lure a young man into destructive ways. They follow the action as the young man reacts.

The story speaks to them because it is their story. As the play winds down, you can see in their eyes and the way they lean forward in their seats that they are hungry for what God is offering in what they have just seen.

We are not able to talk directly to these young men because they are not yet adults, but as they leave, we exchange waves and shouts of “goodbye.” We depart and know that others must follow up with these boys to help them understand the God who loves them and who wants to have a relationship with them. We pray for those whom God will bring into their lives. We thank Him for those who have shared their stories so that we may present an honest play which seems to inspire the young men.

Please come and share this story with us on May 5th at 6:30 in the sanctuary at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church. Consider joining us next year and sharing the artistic gifts which God has given you!

by Deborah Carlson, KnoxCAM choir member  reports after participating in the Dandridge Youth Facility Concert