KnoxCAM Visits Northeast Correctional Facility on January 21, 2017

KnoxCAM visited Northeast Correctional Institute in Mountain City this past Saturday. We faced some challenges leading up to the trip, including the last-minute loss of our scheduled speaker and an actor who came down with a stomach virus on the morning of the concert. Similar challenges occurred before this concert last year. We think God is working mightily at Northeast! And, as last year, He met us every step of the way. He is greater than any arrows the enemy tries to hurl at us!

Joe is the actor who replaced our ill member (and who did an outstanding job filling the role holding a script) emailed me his thoughts after the concert. They are humble, insightful, and so uplifting. Please read below for a glimpse into how God continually meets our needs:
“There’s a familiar cliche in theater that “the show must go on” regardless of circumstances or unforeseen events. And today I think we all, together, managed to deliver a powerful performance, despite significant challenges, that was a blessing to many of the men who attended based on the conversations that I heard when we were finished.
But KnoxCAM isn’t a show. It’s a ministry. And it “goes on” not because of what we bring to the table, but because God wills it. Everyone in the group is wonderfully gifted. Blessed, in fact. But as Abraham learns in Gen. 12, we are blessed to be a blessing. We serve at God’s pleasure and direction. God called Scott to be elsewhere and called Fred to deliver the message instead. The message Fred delivered was the one God intended for the men of Northeast to hear. Caleb was sidelined by a sudden and unexpected illness. I think God intended the men of Northeast to hear the Unchained story from the perspective of a father/daughter relationship, and I was thrilled to have a chance to make that happen by taking Caleb’s place.
But the victory was won because we ALL answered the call. It’s flattering to be complimented personally, but EVERYONE was working together, supporting each other, united in the calling that is KnoxCAM. My fellow actors and dancers, especially, were 100% supportive, encouraging, and committed. Choir, bells and orchestra soared. John on the sound board ensured that everyone could hear it. We made something great together, as one body.
I know people were praying for us, and God honored those prayers to accomplish His will in the lives of the men who attended. I was honored and humbled to a part of it.
In closing … It was fun to play Simon, but once is enough. Caleb: get well soon! :-)”