The Blessings of Working with an Older Singer

Yesterday I had the joy of seeing Harry once again take joy in singing.

Harry is one of the older baritones in the KnoxCAM Choir.  He has an unusually beautiful voice, one of the most beautiful I have ever heard.  But he approached me last week saying he was feeling discouraged, that his voice just wasn’t like it used to be, that he didn’t like his vibrato or the way his voice sounded.  He was considering not continuing to sing.  I asked him to come for a lesson and let me hear what was bothering him.

Harry is a delightful man.  He is kind, he talks easily, he has a big smile for everyone.  He is very active physically and loves to be outside.  He didn’t start singing until he was 35, at which time he began studying voice and doing choral and solo work in community choirs.  He sings on a very skilled level, and he knows the vocabulary of the voice.  He is a quick student, immediately able to relate things I suggested to things he had learned from previous teachers.

At his first lesson, we discovered right away that he had gotten into some poor breathing habits, raising his chest and tensing his shoulders with every inhalation.  We worked on a lower, more relaxed breath, and he could easily see in the mirror when he was doing it right and wrong; but consistency was a challenge.  We also worked a little bit on connecting his head voice to his chest register, which helped stabilize his intonation and vibrato to some extent.  I told him that his voice is different now than it was when he was a young man, but there are definitely techniques he can work on to improve the still-beautiful voice he has. He left feeling somewhat encouraged but still wondering if he would really be able to improve.

Yesterday was the big breakthrough.  He returned breathing correctly with much more consistency and feeling much more comfortable about doing so.  As he sang, we became aware of his throat tightening on lower notes.  We began to talk about keeping the throat open and relaxed, not “pushing” the sound out.  He immediately remembered his former teacher had worked with him on the “bel canto idea of drinking in the sound” (his words – remember I told you he knows the language of singing) because, he said, his tendency is to attack and conquer.  This opened up a discussion about singing as relaxing, as letting go (something foreign to his activity-loving nature), of letting the breathing muscles do their job and keeping the body free rather than “set.”

I suggested he swing his arms as he sang.  He moved them back and forth very deliberately.  I asked if he would allow me to hold his upper arms and move them for him, which he was glad to do.  He immediately felt the arm tension, and was just as quickly able to release it and enable me to swing his arms freely.  He then was able to do it himself, with amazing effect on his tone.  His vibrato ceased to be a wobble, and his resonance was beautifully balanced.  That’s when he began to smile.  He said, “That sounds like I used to.”

We found that he could descend to his lowest notes with excellent balance of tone on the /i/ vowel.  We worked first on creating a taller, less spread /i/ sound and then used it as a barometer to match /o/ and /a/ vowels down to his lowest notes.  He quickly realized that he didn’t need to open his mouth much on the bottom and could easily match vowels and create a beautiful sound by changing tongue position while maintaining interior space.  Frequent reminders to “drink in the sound” and the continued arm-swinging kept his body free.  He said he felt as if he wasn’t “doing anything” but the sound made him so happy.  He was astounded that such a sound could emerge when everything felt so easy.

Lastly we worked up to his higher range, using ascending/descending 5-note scales on /i/ changing to /a/ after the first two notes.  He has great tongue and jaw position, very relaxed, with a natural openness as he ascends.  Continued reminders of “watch your breath,” “no pushing,” and “drink in the sound” enabled him to ascend to a-flat with a gorgeous, free tone.  He was thrilled to go so high (when I asked him what note he thought he had sung, he said “f”), and again was amazed at how easy it felt.

Next week we are going to begin applying some of his new knowledge to his part in the choir music.

He left beaming.  He said, “I was going to quit.  I had prayed about it, but now I feel like God wants me to keep singing a little longer.”  I asked him how old he is and was astounded when he said 76.

I left beaming too.  What a joy, what a blessing, to see joy return to Harry’s face and to his singing.

Blessed by Prisoners at Morgan County

KnoxCAM is making a new informational video about what we do.  Kevin Wines, one of our actors, and also an expert film-maker is putting it together.  Today he and I had the blessing of going to Morgan County Prison and doing video interviews with two of the inmates about the impact KnoxCAM has had on their lives.  As always, the prison staff were wonderful to work with, and we are so grateful they allowed us this opportunity.

The men talked about how, at first, they were confused about who we were and why we were there.  They thought we might be paid to come.  When they figured out we were there out of love and a desire to minister, it was overwhelming to them.  They kept saying how much it meant to them that we would choose to spend time with them.  Ricky said you could tell when people come in to minister because they know they are “supposed to” versus because they really want to; he said it was easy to see that we really want to be there and stressed again how much that means to them. Christopher said he has noticed it often rains when we are there, and how it doesn’t matter to us; we trundle ourselves and all our equipment through whatever kind of weather it is.  He said he had been attending worship services in a half-hearted manner, really just for something to do, until he attended our concert.  As a result of our being there he realized how much he needs Jesus, and he committed himself to getting serious with the Lord.  He also wrote to his children about what we had done, and as a result has gotten much closer to them than he was before.  They urged us to keep coming back and said what an encouraging thing it is to be reminded of how God is working even in prison.

What a joyful and humbling experience!  There’s lots more, but you will have to wait for the video!

A Picture of Family

My big takeaway from our concert at Northeast Saturday:  we are indeed a family, pulling together.

I was nervous about the concert.  I knew our part was to trust God, and I WAS trusting him, but I arrived at the church with a turmoil of thoughts about how many members were missing and how to cover for them.  I felt a heavy weight of responsibility.

I first ran into Paula in discussion with several handbell players about covering for Carol.  I overheard this discussion continuing on the bus, with a final statement from Paula, “Okay, we’ve got it.”

Then I ran into Grayson, who said, “Ben is still sick, but don’t worry, we’re going to figure out on the bus how to cover for him.  Zachary will play some viola and some second; and Sarah will play some second and some first.  Don’t worry, we’ll have it by the time we get there.”

Then I ran into Ann, who had driven over from her parents in North Carolina (where she is caring for her father) just to dance with us so Grace wouldn’t have to dance alone.  I asked her how she was doing.  She said, “Don’t worry, I’ve practiced with the video the dancers sent, and I feel good about it.”  She and Grace sat across from me on the bus.  I saw them reviewing choreography on their own and together.

I saw Tracy in the restroom.  She said, “This is going to be our best concert ever.”

During the concert, I caught sight of Meade’s face as we sang the “Gloria.”  It was radiant, transformed with glory as she sang.  I caught her joy and it moved me deeply.

I could feel the single-minded determination of all you singers to get it right during “While Shepherds Watched.”  Your intent communicated itself to me in a very visceral way.  And you did get it right.  It was by far the best you’ve done.

I rejoiced in the beauty of “Messiah, Prince of Peace” and thought how wonderful it is that we get to play it so many times.  It is becoming a part of us in a way that groups who only perform it once or twice cannot know.

I heard the gleefulness and excitement in Beth’s voice as she portrayed Lydia’s encounter with the angels.  I heard the men in the audience responding to the humor and the miracle of the story.

I watched in awe and thanksgiving as Julie signed our story and Scott’s message to a deaf prisoner – he was brand new at Northeast.  How humbling and wonderful that we could minister to him in this special way.

I heard Scott’s powerful message spellbound, and I thanked God for the gifts of communication He has given Scott.  I felt the profound peace and holiness of the presence of God descend on the room as I sat there.

Ann told me afterward that she had had a vision during Scott’s final prayer.  She saw a prison hallway with cells along both sides.  A prison guard was walking along the hall, opening one cell after another and releasing the prisoners.  At the end of the hall was another open door, leading outside to a warm, beautiful, and light-filled place.  All the prisoners were walking through that door into the freedom of new life.

I contemplated all this on the bus.  The way you all rallied together to problem-solve; your determination to do your very best and humbly commit yourselves to God for His use; the way He met us at every turn.  Tracy was right – it was our best concert to date.  As we finished “Arise, Shine” I found myself breathing hard and rejoicing because my vision for what I wanted this story to be had come to fruition; because the power of God had been in us; because we had fulfilled our calling that night.

Thank you, friends, for bearing the weight of ministry challenges and rejoicing in God’s work with me.  I cherish you.
